Inter Cleaning, formerly Alliance Group, is a Brussels company active in the cleaning sector for companies. For more than 20 long years now, Inter Cleaning teams have been working day in and day out to meet the cleaning needs of businesses, hotels, schools, buildings and other offices. Over time, Inter Cleaning has been able to develop and multiply its activities in order to better meet the needs of its customers. The range of services offered by the company is therefore as rich as it is varied today. Let’s take stock.

Inter Cleaning and you
Are you the head of one or more offices? Do you run a hotel? Are you a school principal? Dealer? Owner of a large surface area? From a building? Do you regularly work on site? Are you a plant manager? Are you active in the event sector? Whatever your field of activity, whatever the premises, Inter Cleaning is there!

Cleanliness and safety at the heart of our concerns
Inter Cleaning teams are able to operate almost anywhere, thanks to the training provided by our various cleaning agents, both at Cefora, the Cleaning Training Centre (CFN) and the Belgian General Cleaning Union (UGBN). To learn more about Inter Cleaning staff training, click here.

Inter Cleaning services
While Inter Cleaning works both with schools and offices, via the industrial or hotel sector, the Brussels company has been able to specialise in one or other service, apart from so-called general cleaning. Examples include parquet vitrification, window washing, carpet shampoo, linoleum treatment or marble crystallization.

Post-construction rehabilitation and disinfection are also part of Inter Cleaning’s fields of action.

For an even more comprehensive overview of Inter Cleaning services, click here.

A need? A project? Let us know and we will send you a free quote as soon as possible.

Inter Cleaning, office cleaning, building cleaning, industrial cleaning, store cleaning, etc.